Mar 18, 2008


There are people in all of our lives that profoundly influence us. Often, we do not realize the effect that they have had; until we have spent years trying to prove them wrong, or until we have simply forgotten what it was that they were trying to impart to us. Then, one day, out of the clear blue sky, their words smack us into realization and finally acceptance. One such person is my Uncle Pete.
My Uncle has always been a solid force in my life. He was one of the only people that I have ever known who was--and remains--exactly who he claimed to be. A devout Catholic, he supports his church by leading worship regularly, tithing consistently and living as much like Jesus as he knows how.
When I was a teenager, struggling to find my way, he was there with direction and even prodding. I did not understand him. In fact, I thought he was a bit of a kook. Now, I am beginning to understand.
He had a lot to say about life and the choices we all make. But, sometimes, he would loosen up and begin dreaming out loud. These are some of the most memorable moments. Uncle Pete once said that if he was God, he would have made life backwards. You would start old and worn, slowly getting younger and more agile. By the time you were in your twenties, you would have the most money, the most energy, and the least responsibility. By the time you retired--at eighteen--you would have nothing but years of wonder ahead before you crawled back into the womb and finsihed your existance warm and happy and whole.
I have always loved that idea. It has stuck with me and now that I am a little older, I think I understand where he was going with that train of thought. I have been taking life so seriously lately. My job, our finances, parenting, dealing with our parents, all of it. Maybe it's time to live life backwards. Maybe I need to play more, worry less and most of all find wonder again.
I look at my kids and I realize that the best gift I can give them is my joy. When I am joyful, it spreads to them. When they are joyful, it spreads to me. So, instead of becoming more responsible (screw that!) I'm going to go play. Last one with me is a rotten egg.

P.S. Thanks Uncle Pete! You have taught me more than you'll ever know.

P.P.S. The picture above is an example of my newfound playfulness. I had to crawl down a pretty gnarly cliff to get that shot. It was fun.

Mar 10, 2008

Patch of dirt



I'm now trying to focus away from the abundant dirt inside my home- which is always an issue- and look to the dirt outside.

I (Carolyn, that is) have been non-commital about putting anything in the ground here. I just cant make a decision and, honestly, have secretly hoped to put stuff in the ground around a bigger house. (there, I said it)

But, it was time to do something. I've wanted a garden for a long time and so on Saturday, Matt and I just took some shovels and went for it. This is literally the only spot on our property that gets good sunlight. And it happens to be close to a water source, too.

So, we've chopped it up, next we're going to get some soaker hoses, and some amendments, and corner posts for fencing. Deer use our property as a pass through every evening, and I wont be gardening to feed THEM, so, a fence is a must.

I cant wait until the first pepper or tomato is ready for picking. We have really been trying to eat better this past year and vegetable-eating has been a big focus for us. We have always been more into things like baked goods or some good steak.

This is really a next step for us as far as simplicity. But its always been a point of procrastination because of my issues with this house, the cost of getting all the supplies, the know-how, etc. Theres always a thousand reasons NOT to do something, right?

So, we'll keep ya posted on our dirt patch. Hopefully we'll actually do something with it!