Yikes...off the wagon in everyway
I think the photo shows I'm a mess again. Everytime I think I get this place cleaned up I say "I'll never let it get bad again."
But here we go. Bad. Again.
I got rid of so much stuff- I feel like we cant get rid of much more but I still cant seem to get this place to a point where I can keep it tidy. I am so frustrated. I feel like theres just no place for anything to go!!!
I'm losing it!!!
No wisdom here...just madness. I'll hopefully give you an update when I get control of this place.
And I just ate 2 Reeses peanut butter eggs. Nice.
If you can park the kids in front of the tv for 30 minutes (or outside with your dh), you could tidy it all up... As long as you don't get sidetracked that is. And that wouldn't include washing dishes.
Seeing the floor again will make you feel instantly better. :) You can do it!
I used to struggle with this constantly. Still do if I don't keep up my routines. Flylady.net helped me tremendously.
www.flylady.net changed my life!!!
Do you have good storage systems? I'm the most disorganized person on the planet, so I'm not one to dish out advice, but at my best I have a place for everything on closet shelving units and baskets for toys, etc. Hang in there, and most of all, BE KIND TO YOURSELF!!!
I've been following along from MDC. You are doing fine. That untidyness looks kid related to me and pretty minor. Set the timer and get your darlings to help. 10 minutes will probably do it.
By the way, I can't face my livingroom/toyroom right now.
Carolyn I just left you two messages on MDC. Just wanted to say hang in there.
This is where that book "To Train Up a Child" would come in handy. You can't keep the house tidy by yourself with three kids AND keep your happy mommyness-trust me I tried! The work has to be part of life for them as well,at first constantly working along side mommy in everything. Kids LOVE to work before they find out they can be lazy and mom will do everything.Even a two or three year old and that's when to start. IT has to be fun and fellowship so they don't grow to hate work, cause it's part of life and they will have to do it all their lives. It's the key-believe me!They get bigger-they make bigger messes!
Don't give up! You're doing great!*cue the music* "Momma SAID there'd be-days-like-this!"
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