Feb 22, 2007


Well, we're two days into Lent. I have decided to give up a major vice in my life...soda. Okay, that might seem like a petty thing to give up for the season, but I drink a lot of soda. Actually, it goes deeper than you might think. I use it to escape. When I don't feel like starring at my computer screen any longer...soda time. When I get ticked off...soda time. When I'm bored...soda time.

It seems to me that the aforementioned (been waiting a while to squeeze that word in) times could be spent on more worthwhile activities. Like pausing for a moment of silence, prayer, meditation, or simple acknowledgment that I have all I need and more. Instead of drinking a soda, I could be drinking in a breath of fresh air, s view of the sky, a silent prayer of thanksgiving. So I've given up soda.

It's funny how small things can impact in a big way. The two days of sodalessness (okay I made that one up) have sparked a renewed flame for this journey. Why? Because, I have realized that the deepest issues of consumerism lie in the shadows of my life. Lurking in the dark places waiting for me to look away.

Carolyn and I were talking about the coming month and discussing some needed purchases. We were weighing the want monster and realized that we have cleared away a lot of the mental/emotional clutter, but the dust in the corners is immense. To use another metaphor, it's like weeding a garden. You start by clearing what is easy to see, then just when you think you're done...another weed pops up. I suspect that--like weeds--this will continue to happen for some time. And we have to be especially careful about the weeds that are growing unseen in the shadows.


Anonymous said...


You just spoke to me, man. I gave up soda for Lent, too! I drink close to a liter (or more) of Diet Coke a day. Anyway, I have been drinking tea and water, and still have some coffee, but all in all I miss soda. It is amazing that just when you think you are appropriately cleaning the proverbial 'shop' quite well, you find yet another problem. Call it addiction to caffeine, calorie-less drinks, or to the consumerism-spirit of soda, but it is hard to take away something you use so much in a day. I guess that is what the spirit of Lent is all about though. Sacrifice and introspection in one's self. Anyway, thanks for going through similar life hurdles at the same time as me. It helps more than you know...

-Mike, mpersson_99@yahoo.com

turnip said...

I have the same issue with coffee! But am too weak about it to give that up yet....I do agree that when we declutter our possessions we get rid of a lot of emotional/mind clutter too. We realize the real issues behind all the spending and useless items we have and getting rid of them seems to help release those issues too, at least for me. But it is a lifelong never ending journey...

Nicola said...

My husband has the same soda issue for the same reasons. I told him a neurologist I know says alcohol and soda asparatame are the 2 things he wouldn't ever put in his body. My diet soda drinker gave it up the next day, cold turkey, and lost weight as a result! And felt better. Good luck!

Nicola said...

I meant aspartame, not soda asparatame. Sorry for the typo.