In the journey toward simplicity, it becomes apparent that many of the worst things in the world can be solved. Most of the poverty, hunger, and thirst of our fellow earthlings could be solved, or at least severley lessened, if everyone with the means would sacrifice a miniscule amount of their wealth.
Here is a staggering statistic from globalissues.org...Americans spend $8 billion a year on cosmetics; it would cost $9 billion to wipe out world thirst for one year. Simplicity, it seems, can save the world...literally.
This Thursday (and this weekend) is World Water Day. Take some time to sign up and get involved. Be a voice for the thirsty in this world.
Depressing, but thanks for sharing.
If you cant join one of their walks for water- you can sign up for the "virtual walk"...its something!!
that's a staggering number! and definitely opens your eyes.
Its amazing the money that people spend on things like Vitamin and flavored water too when others don't have just plain clean safe water to drink. Its also nice to know that all of our simple living efforts can do some good in the world.
There was an article in the SF Chronicle Wednesday (3/21/07) Food section about water and in it, it said that Americans spend $11 billion a year on bottled water. If we all switched to local water (filtered or purified if need be), think how much money would be available for people who have NO water sources!
Awesome point, Nea!
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