Jan 2, 2007


Today was my first day back at work since Christmas. I had a great time off, spending time with the family, reflecting on the past year and dreaming about the year ahead. Carolyn, the kids and I spent a lot of time out in nature and really refilled our souls. But alas, all good things...

Back to the grind. I have a good job, with a good company, that pays me very well. But, today I realized that much of my lack of contentment begins here. While I make a decent paycheck, I am low on the corporate totem pole and I work with some very wealthy people. I never really noticed how much their lifestyle influences mine. They all drive new cars, wear expensive clothes, live in tremendous dwellings, etc., etc., etc..

I wonder how I can lessen the effects of their influence. I think that this whole thing would be a lot easier if I was surrounded by like-minded people.

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