Jan 9, 2007


"Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are a little more than a week in. I'm a little unnerved at how amazingly easy this all seems.
-Carolyn and I seem to really be communicating well about our needs, wants, and
feelings regarding this major reordering of life-goals.
-We are spending A LOT less money
-A lot of people seem to be supportive
-My Mother-In-Law is hardly nagging us at all about the whole thing
I'm sure that hard times will come and that there is a lot of time and potential for challenging circumstances, but stepping into this experiment seems (so far) to have been the most difficult part. I think Mr. Emerson is right.

So...who's joing us?


Carolyn said...

This has been a fearsome thing for us...especially me. I am frighteningly attached to my stuff and this forces me to rid my house of beloved useless things, and have to face my free time without the prospect of filling it with shopping. Sad, but true.

By the way, I love run-on sentences.

Anonymous said...

We're here! We've decided th Compact on 2007 ... and are still kinda in shock about it I think LOL So far, so good! Inspiring, honest blogs like this one certainly help, too!

Best Wishes!

Matt Maszczak said...

Thanks for chiming in, we'll be checking out your blog too!

Anonymous said...

I managed to stumble upon your page a while back, and I subscribed to you in my blog reader. I am still working through your older posts, which is why I am just now responding to this one ;)

Anyways, I wanted to comment on this one, because dh and I are seriously considering some kind of compacting pledge. Maybe starting in Feb(?) Your blog has given me all sorts of ideas (and new courage!) Thanks for putting out such a great resource!